Our Center

Our Space

Our heart-centered space features various rooms for different purposes. The Traditional Room hosts most classes, while the Hot Infrared Room utilizes infrared technology. The Annex is dedicated to philosophy, chanting, asana labs, and continuing education. Lastly, the community spaces are infused with bhakti, fostering a sense of community and devotion.

Our Teachers

Our teachers share heart-centered wisdom for an easeful body, peaceful mind, and useful life.

Our Values

Gratitude is the key ingredient:


We engage in all of our senses to embody the glorious mood of love through sacred relationships. We welcome you, as you are.


We embrace in speaking yoga’s Truth. We patiently rest in the protection of our own hearts.


We willingly release the temporary to give way to meeting our hearts true eternal nature.


We follow in the footprints of bhakti yogis. These practices purify our hearts to become a receptacle of divine love.


We seek to remember the ultimate prayer upon awakening. “Oh divine. Please engage me in compassionate loving service today.”

“I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.”


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