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Satsangha twe nisangha twam.
Nisangha twe nirmoha twam.
Nirmoha twe nischala ta twam.
Nischala ta twe, jivamukti.

When you are in good company, you are not in bad company.
When you are not in bad company, you don’t fall into delusion.
When you don’t fall into delusion, the mind becomes steady.
When the mind becomes steady, you are liberated.

– Adi Shankaracharya

So simple; try to regularly spend time with people who share your belief, goals, and challenges. Attend yoga classes, sacred wisdom studies, social events, anything that puts you in that good, supportive company. You will keep inspired, informed and on track. Soon you will attain the goal. You will become yourself a jivamukti, someone who is free from suffering and established in the bliss of their own true nature.

OM Shanti, shanti, shanti.

– Reverend Jaganath Carrera


In Studio Classes. Hot Classes. Livestreamed Classes. Monthly Membership Perk – 2 Bring a Friend Passes per Month. Diverse, highly trained professional instructors. Safe practice environment. Guest instructors and specialized workshops. Family discounts. Weekly newsletters. Freedom to pause your membership if you’re traveling or busy. Freedom to cancel your membership at no charge, before next billing. Additional special events, guests and gifts throughout the year. A close knit community.



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