Pilgrimage to India 2025

Vrindavan & Rishikesh, India

February 9th-23rd, 2025

February 9th-15th, 2025

We travel to Vrindavan – known as one of India’s most sacred places where according to Hinduism, Lord Krishna spent his childhood days. The story of Krishna’s transcendental pastimes and play are still alive here. You will immerse yourself in an authentic and traditional cultural experience. At the Jiva institute, your days will be filled with lectures, yoga classes, meditation, excursions and more. Expand your perspective. See and live India as it has always been.


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Taj Mahal, Agra, India






Beatles Ashram, Rishikesh, India


February 16th-22nd, 2025

Next stop – Rishikesh, the birthplace of yoga.

The whole town is sacred and it’s believed that meditation there leads to salvation. The town is set along side the Sacred Ganges River’s with lanes and alleys retain an old-world charm. It remains a wonderful place to relax and unwind among nature. It has a distinctively peaceful, uplifting and international feel and is home to where the Beatles stayed.


Rishikesh, India

  • Babaji - Satyanarayana Das


  • Daily yoga and pranayama classes
  • Day trip to the Taj Mahal
  • Shopping at Loi Bazaar
  • Hands on tour of Goshala Cow Sanctuary (brush & feed cows)
  • Visits to various temples
  • Visit the Ashram where the Beatles Stayed
  • Visit Neem Karoli Babas’ Ashram (Guru to Ram Dass, The Beatles, Krisna Das, and more)
  • Yoga and Meditation alongside the Sacred Ganges Riveralong the Sacred Ganges River.  And that it is home to where the Beatles stayed.
  • Bhagavad Gita lecture with Master Teacher Babaji Satyanarayanas Dasa
  • Guided tour to Krishna Janmabhumi in Mathura (Temple of Krishna’s Birthplace)
  • Vrindavan Parikrama (7 mile walk around the holy town)
  • Evening at Radha Ramana Temple
  • Visit to Kusum Sarovar Temple
  • Boat trip on the Yamuna River

Frequently Asked Questions


Pricing Includes Accommodations, 3 Daily Meals, excursions, car travel, daily yoga classes and lectures (flights not included).

Double Occupancy  Per person $3,496 (paid in full by Jan 15, 2025)

Suggested Air: Air India, contact Malati for exact flight.


Non-refundable $555 to secure your spot.

We request all applicants connect with Malati prior to registration: malati@gopiyogacenter.com

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