Hot Yoga - Infrared

Hot Infrared Yoga Classes

Indulge in a soothing and detoxifying hot infrared yoga class, where the gentle heat of infrared technology helps relax your muscles, enhance circulation, and promote a deeper sense of well-being, all while fostering a heart-centered connection with your body and breath.

Benefits of Infrared Heat


Sweating can help to detoxify the body, and the deep penetration of infrared heat can result in a more profound sweat.


The gentle heat from infrared panels can promote relaxation and stress reduction.

Improved Circulation

Infrared heat can boost blood circulation, similar to the effects of a cardiovascular workout.

Pain Relief

Some people find relief from muscle and joint pain with infrared heat.

Weight Loss

The increased metabolic rate from the heat can result in burning more calories.

Accelerated Progress

With consistent and tailored guidance, you’re likely to see improvements in your practice at a faster rate than in group settings.

Hot + Warm Infrared

Indulge in a soothing and detoxifying infrared heated yoga class, where the gentle heat of infrared technology helps relax your muscles, enhance circulation, and promote a deeper sense of well-being, all while fostering a heart-centered connection with your body and breath.

Hot classes are heated to 100 degrees.
Warm classes are heated to 85 degrees.

Infrared Power Hour

Step into the gentle embrace of our Infrared Power Hour. This class combines the healing warmth of infrared heat with a heart-centered flow, enhancing circulation, flexibility, and detoxification. Feel the nurturing heat as you move through poses designed to open your heart and strengthen your body. Emerge feeling deeply revitalized, connected, and uplifted.


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