Heart-Centered Sound Therapy

A profound journey into stillness and inner peace, guiding you through the vortex of the heart, to the still point.  Here, we are gifted with direct experience of our inner knowing.  Our inner essence lies within the exhale. In this state, linked to the chemical Anandamide (Ananda = bliss in Sanskrit,) vibrations and resonances soften your awareness beyond time, dissolving past and future into pure presence. Here, in the silence at the center, you attune to the language of the heart. The experience is enriched by healing instruments such as crystal bowls, yogic chanting, gong, and tuning forks played around and directly on the body, creating a harmonious symphony that nurtures the soul.

When we dissolve into the sound, we meet the space where spirituality and science become one.  Anandamide, known as the “bliss molecule,” is a naturally occurring endocannabinoid crucial for regulating mood, memory, appetite, and pain. Named after the Sanskrit word “Ananda,” meaning bliss, it binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, eliciting effects akin to those of THC in cannabis. This neurotransmitter promotes feelings of happiness and well-being, playing a key role in maintaining emotional balance and managing stress. Anandamide is often activated in sound therapy.

Benefits of Sound Therapy 

  • Modifies heart rate, and blood pressure.
  • Triggers endorphin release, which improves mood
  • Modifies release of stress hormones.
  • Enhances immunity.
  • Relieves or lessens depression and anxiety.
  • Calms pre-surgical and postoperative stress.
  • Accelerates tissue repair, helps w/ pain management.
  • Equalizes activity between the left and right cerebral hemispheres.
  • Provides a deep state of relaxation immediately
  • Relieves stress & anxiety  
  • Allows your body to his natural healing process.
  • Corrects imbalances in the energetic body.
  • Balances your nervous system.
  • Improves brain functioning and mental clarity.
  • Will uncover emotions to stimulate growth,   development and transformation.
  • Help with insomnia, addiction, lack of focusing.
  • Tune the body and the auric field to resonate in harmony with the world around us and Facilitates wholeness


First Session

First Session – 60 Minute Sound Therapy $68 Purchase

First Session – 90 Minute Sound Therapy: $88 Purchase

Monthly Memberships

60 Minute Monthly Session (Auto-Renew): $88/Month Purchase

90 Minute Monthly Session (Auto-Renew): $108/Month Purchase

One 60 + One 90 Minute Monthly Sessions (Auto-Renew): $176/Month Purchase

*The monthly sessions will be carried over if they are not used in that billing cycle but once membership is cancelled all sessions carried over will be void.*

Single Session

60 Minute Single Session: $115 Purchase

90 Minute Single Session: $144 Purchase

Add On Services:

Gem up: 15 minute gemstone tuning fork facial & scalp massage. – $28
Rejuvenate your skin, helps move lymphatic stagnation, and all around brightener. Relaxes the thinking mind, feels blissful, and is a great addition to any session.


Tuesdays 12 :00 PM – 03:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM – 08:00 PM
Thursdays 09:00 AM – 08:00 PM
Fridays 12:00 PM – 05:30 PM
Saturday & Sundays: Contact Malati
Appointments are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, for times outside of availability e-mail Malati at malati@gopiyogacenter.com.


Feel free to contact Malati. She will guide you and answer any questions. Malati can be reached at: Malati@gopiyogacenter.com.


“Malati is able to hold space and guide us individually through our most authentic experience.”

“Malati intuitively recognizes when I need more grounding, when I need to break through resistance, when I need soothing, when I need anything really – and offers mantra, affirmations, suggestions for grounding the body, or just reminders that I am in control and I am safe.”

“Truly a healing experience, and Malati holds the space so that a “healing experience” doesn’t need to be scary – it can be whatever that means for each individual participating, and each person can feel safe accessing that healing.”

“For me, healing has come in the form of noticing energy, moving to and from and out of different parts of the body and noticing what resistance feels like, and on a much deeper level, feeling connected with my ancestors, experiencing their trauma as I experience and heal my own. Somehow, and even without knowing exactly what my experience is, Malati knows the way to guide me through that exact experience. With Malati as a guide, I am safe to find my soul. This is truly a practice that asks us to go as far inward as possible, and I have never felt more like a soul than a body.”


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